
  • 1 kg  and a half alive snails
  • One  and half tablespoons  ground snail spices
  • A spicy chilli or chilli depending on your taste
  • A bunch lemon verbena ( it is not easy to find it fresh, so take it dried)
  • A bunch fresh mint
  • Salt



Buy the snails already cooked and then go directly to the dressing.

But if you buy them alive, first place them in a container to wash them under tap water, changing the water as many times as necessary until you see that there is no slime. Remove the broken ones, finally drain them.

Place the snails in a pot and heat it in salted water at low temperature. When you see that the snails are coming out, wait until you see that all of them are out. In that moment rise the cooking temperature. When you see that the white slime begins to come out, remove it with a spatula.

Cook and skim off the foam. After 5 minutes drain them and wash under the tap water and set aside. Wash the pot.

Prepare a “muñequilla” (a square 20 x 20 cm white cloth, place into it the spices and lemon verbena, tie it with a little string so that you will have a clean broth).

Take the clean pot with water and heat it. Add salt, chilli, the “muñequilla”, the fresh mint and boil.

Add the snails and cook for 10 minutes.

Add a bunch mint to taste, cover the pot and remove to let them cool. Taste and salt if necessary.

Serve after some hours, so they are tastier.